Drinking pond for Blue rock thrush and small birds from rockies and scrub

Hide for up to three people set beside a stone quarz cliff, surronded by open Mediterranean bush and rising boulders, didicated to take pictures of small birds attracted by a dinking pond and feeder

  • A person: 60€
  • Two people: 90 €
  • Three people: 120 €
Price includes hide renting, conservation board licences and transfers from meeting point to hides and comeback.

    A wide hide up to three people is set in front of a small birdbath and feeders where the rockies and bush passerines come daily. Species, depending of the season, are: Blue rock thrush, Thekla lark, Rock bunting, Blue tit, Great tit, Long-tailed tit, Robin (Autumn and Winter), Blackbird, Sardinian warbler, Dartford warbler, Goldfinch, Pied flycatcher (March, August and September), Common linnet, Common stonechat, Dunnock (Autumn and Winter), Iberian magpie, etc.

    The perches are situated 3-5 meters from the hide.