- A person: 60€
- Two people: 90 €
- Three people: 120 €
Drinking pond for Blue rock thrush and small birds from rockies and scrub
Hide for
up to three people set beside a stone quarz cliff, surronded by open Mediterranean bush and rising boulders, didicated to take pictures of small birds attracted by a dinking pond and feeder
A wide hide
up to three people is set in front of a small birdbath and feeders where the
rockies and bush passerines come daily. Species, depending of the season, are: Blue rock thrush, Thekla
lark, Rock bunting, Blue tit, Great tit, Long-tailed tit, Robin (Autumn and Winter), Blackbird,
Sardinian warbler, Dartford warbler, Goldfinch, Pied flycatcher (March, August and September), Common linnet, Common stonechat, Dunnock (Autumn and Winter), Iberian magpie, etc.