The Iberian magpie blue bath

We've a feeder and birdbath at the edge of a cork oak forest, specially set for the Iberian magpies use. Other small birds from "dehesa" forest come too. The hide is available up for three/four photographers.

  • A person: 60 €
  • Two people: 90 €
  • Three people: 120 € 
Price includes hide renting, conservation board licences and transfers from meeting point to hides and comeback.
The photographic sessions are at the afternoon during 2-3 hours 'till sunset. In Autumn and Winter seasons, morning sessions are availables.
The pictures are taken though a reflective glass of 4 mm. thickness, very neutral.
The window of the hide is wide and allow to watch what happens in front of the hide and take pictures from any angle.

Some other birds like Song and Mistle thrushes (Autumn and Winter), Rock sparrow, Blue tit, Great tit, Robin, Chiffchaff, Chaffinch, Nuthatch, and Goldfinch also come often to drink, eat or bathing. Some warbles, Great spotted woodpecker and Jay may appear too, depending of the season.

Available along the year.

Internal dimensions of the hide:
2,50 m. width; 1,50 m. height; 1,45 m. depth

Watch the gallery with pictures taken by our guest from the hides.